Monday, May 15, 2017


Did you know that the old Singer treadle sewing machines, can sew as fast, or faster, than many of the brand new sewing machines, sold today? To be perfectly honest, this Singer 127 Vibrating Shuttle treadle sewing machine, can sew faster than I am comfortable "steering" my fabric, even with just the treadle power, NOT with electricity!

These sewing machines have not become useless, they are still fully usable, worthwhile machines, & still sew the number one stitch necessary for sewing! They basically went out of fashion, & manufacturers convinced customers that they NEEDED a 'new, up to date' model, & would take the old machine in trade in, just to keep it from being sold second hand, to anyone who could possibly afford a new machine! Sure, some old treadle sewing machines are no longer functional, but usually, it is due to either being left to rust, collect dust, & let the lubricants between the metal parts, dry to a glue, which "freezes" a sewing machine solid!


Old sewing machines usually benefit from a soak with sewing machine oil, to help lift the dirt & rust, as well as helping free up working parts. I will use old sewing machine oil to clean the outside of a sewing machine, it helps the paint, & seems to be beneficial 

Singer 127 during cleaning

Singer 127 Treadle Sewing Machine table, treadle configuration of table given to Sister Guffey

Singer 127, behind the faceplate, using old sewing machine oil, to soak the dirt off the machine, I used alcohol on
Qtips, to clean old oil off moving parts. Note needle bar still has dark brown, old dried up oil, on the upper half.

Singer 127 needs cleaned & oiled inside, too.

Singer Oak PuzzleBox, correct organization plan, Style No. 11 for Singer No. 27 sewing machine.

Correct positions  for tools, feet & attachments

Singer 127 rear view, when I was cleaning it, after I put the belt on

Singer 127 Vibrating Shuttle Treadle Sewing Machine, during cleaning

Treadle table center drawer, tips forward, to show 3 compartments, to store bobbins, needles, snips, presser feet & more.

Singer 127 sewing machine during cleaning

Singer 127 or 128 Vibrating Shuttle sewing machine, during cleaning. Note ornate faceplate.

Singer 127 with the Sphinx decals, was in very good condition, but was filthy, & rusty, before I cleaned, oiled & lubricated it, & got everything working again. I bought a leather treadle belt from eBay for $3.00 approximately, cut it to length, used a belt hole puncher, to punch a hole for the metal clip, then used pliers to fold the metal clip, or staple, to join the leather belt into a circle.

Singer oak puzzlebox for Singer 127 & 128 Vibrating Shuttle sewing machines. Another version has the storage for class 15 bobbins, but the funny looking flat metal "teeth", at the upper right, in this photo, are where 5 long shuttles, or bobbins for the 127 & 128 Vibrating Shuttle sewing machines. The set includes a separate shirring plate, (in the wrong spot in this photo, it is hiding under the underbraider, but it usually stores beneath the ruffler, as well as a special underbraider, with tunnels built in, to control the braid or cording, beneath the sewing project, in front of the sewing machine.  The set includes a variety of sizes of rolled, or folded hemmers, a binder, a tucker/tuck marker, a large & small screwdriver, a stiletto, a seam guide & thumbscrew, the set also includes a couple of special presser feet, one of which is designed to be used with the underbraider, another to be used with the quilting gauge guide, for perfect parallel stitches. The shirring plate also has guides for ribbon, or they could also be used to stitch elastic to fabric. 
Oak Puzzlebox for Singer 127 & 128 feet, tools, attachments

Oak puzzlebox, Singer's treadle & hand crank sewing machines, like the 127 & 128, were sold with a set of these attachments, tools, bobbins & feet. The box is ingeniously designed, able to lie flat, it organizes everything where it is readily available, easy to find at a glance.

Singer ruffler, came with the oak puzzlebox of sewing machine feet, bobbins, screwdrivers, & presser feet & attachments. The wide piece of purple fabric, was "puffed", or "ruffled" on both sides, using this ruffler. Note the thumbnut (not sure proper term)  in the center top of the ruffler, it is how you adjust the ruffler to gather more or less fabric, in each stitch. Note the narrow hemmer also has a stitch sample showing the width of the folded & stitched hem.

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